Section: Dissemination

Promoting scientific activities

Scientific events organisation

As part of statistics semester of Labex Lebesgue, Valérie Monbet has co–organized the 3rd workshop on Stochastic Weather Generators, held in Vannes in May 2016. This workshop aimed at bringing together a wide range of researchers, practitioners, and graduate students whose work is related to the stochastic modelling of meteorological variables and stochastic weather generators. Stochastic weather generators give us ability to reliably predict climate-related risks by simulating sequences of daily weather and climate consistent with specific aspects of climate variability and change. The simulated sequences of meteorological variables (rainfall, wind, temperature,etc.) are typically used as inputs into complex environmental and ecosystem models. They have a wide range of applications in hydrology, agriculture and environmental management.

Within the programme École d'été France Excellence promoted by the French embassy in China, she has co–organized a two–weeks Summer School in Statistics, held in Rennes in June/July 2016. This initiative has offered Chinese students the opportunity to attend graduate courses in statistics, including practical and seminar sessions.

Participation in workshops, seminars, lectures, etc.

In addition to presentations with a publication in the proceedings, which are listed at the end of the document, members of ASPI have also given the following presentations.

Frédéric Cérou has given an invited talk on the convergence of adaptive multilevel splitting at the RESIM 2016 workshop held in Eindhoven in March/April 2016. He has given, jointly with Mathias Rousset, a talk on a central limit theorem for adaptive multilevel splitting at the 2nd meeting on Adaptive Multilevel Splitting and Rare Events, an event of the MSMath ERC project held at CERMICS in Marne–la–Vallée, in June 2016.

Patrick Héas has given a talk on learning geophysical systems from images, at the seminar of ENS Rennes, in April 2016, and a talk on reduced modeling from partial observations, at the SIAM conference on Uncertainty Quantification, held in Lausanne, in April 2016.

François Le Gland has given a talk on marginalization for rare event simulation in switching diffusions at the RESIM 2016 workshop held in Eindhoven in March/April 2016, and at the probability and statistics seminar of LJK (laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann) in Grenoble, in June 2016.

Valérie Monbet has given a talk on time varying autoregressive models for multisite weather generators at the 3rd workshop on Stochastic Weather Generators, held in Vannes in May 2016. She has also given given a series of three lectures (including a lab session) at the École d'été France Excellence Summer School in Statistics, held in Rennes in June/July 2016.

Research administration

François Le Gland is a member of the conseil d'UFR of the department of mathematics of université de Rennes 1. He is also a member of the conseil scientifique for the EDF/Inria scientific partnership.

Valérie Monbet is a member of both the comité de direction and the conseil of IRMAR (institut de recherche mathématiques de Rennes, UMR 6625). She is also the deputy head of the department of mathematics of université de Rennes 1, where she is a member of both the conseil scientifique and the conseil d'UFR.